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The staircase, which is used in daily work today and defined in the Turkish Dictionary as a series of steps for ascending or descending from a place, has been an important element for both world and Turkish culture in historical periods, not only as a tool but also with the symbols and images it contains. As it is known, one of the first tools used by the first people was the ladder. Therefore, the ladder has been an important tool for all humanity. In this study, the words used in the meaning of ladder in Old Uyghur Turkish, Karakhanid Turkish, Kipchak Turkish, Khwarazm Turkish, Chagatai Turkish, Old Anatolian Turkish, and Ottoman Turkish, starting from Altaic languages, will be determined. As a result of the data obtained, it will be determined from which nation the Turks initially learned this tool, and if the word is borrowed, its relationship with the language from which it was taken will be briefly mentioned. Afterward, the words meaning ladder in Tatar, Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Karachay-Malkar, Nogay, Yeni Uyghur, Uzbek, Turkmen, Azerbaijan, Chuvash, Khakas, Altai and Yakut Turkish, especially in Turkish, will be determined. Based on this data, it will be determined which word is frequently used in the Turkic world. In addition, one of the aims of this study is to determine which word is used more frequently in Turkish dialects according to regions, to determine some phonetic and morphological differences, and to compare the words witnessed in the dialects with Contemporary Turkish dialects.


Old Turkic, historical Turkish script languages, contemporary Turkish dialects, Turkish dialects of Turkey, ladder


Dilsiz, M. S. (2023). Türkçede “merdiven” anlamına gelen sözcükler üzerine genel bir bakış. BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 4(3), 281-297.

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