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The human, who separated from other livings with his mind, has been succeeding the transferring what his learnings to after generations from himself in time and thus civilization have been moved by every generation to one step forward. Turks, who have one oldest culture and civilizations in the world and very much care about knowledge, reflected this situation in the works they created.

Mu’înü’l-Mürîd, which aims to teach Islam to the society of the period, which it was written, includes some clues about the historical accumulation of the society that it belongs is in terms of the knowledge and information concepts. Based on the quatrains, which include the concept of knowledge in the work, a trip to the past was made; it has been trying to detect how and which forms of concept lived in the memory of Turkish society that lived in different geographies, different sociocultural regions, and conditions.

In the process from VIII. century to XIV. century; it has been understanding that the expressions in the Orkhon Inscriptions, Kutadgu Bilig, Atebetü’l-Hakâyık, and Dîvânü Lügâti’t-Türk supported Mu’înü’l-Mürîd from the point of understanding and belief about knowledge; it has been determining that the Turkish society value to the concept of knowledge was preserved by Turkish society along with Turkish society’s cultural changes and developments in six hundred years.


Mu’înü’l-Mürîd, Kutadgu Bilig, Atebetü’l-Hakâyık, Orkhon Inscriptions, knowledge


Çankaya, C. (2021). Mu’înü’l-Mürîd’deki bilgi kavram işareti üzerine bir değerlendirme. BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 2(3), 292-309.

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