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In the Iran field, many Chagatai Turkish dictionaries have been prepared to understand the works of ‘Alí Şír Nevāyí. One of them is Neźr-‘Alí’s dictionary. This study aims to introduce the Chagatai Turkish-Persian dictionary, which was written by Neźr-‘Alí in Iran in the H. 11th century by the order of the Safavid king Şāh Ŝafí Sām Mírzā (government: H. 1038-1052/1629-1642), to reveal the lexical and lexicographic material obtained from the work, and to determine the contribution of this work to the development process of the Turkish language by comparing it with other works. This study consists of four parts. In the first part, first about the titles “Chagatai Turkish”, “Chagatai Turkish in the Safavid Era” and “Neźr-‘Alí”; then, information about the work was given under the title of “Neźr-‘Alí’s Dictionary”; The titles of “Introduction of the Work and the Order of the Dictionary”, “Manuscript of the Work”, “Writing Characteristics of the Manuscript of the Work”, “Study Done on the Work” and “Comparison of Items with Other Dictionaries” are discussed. In the “Comparison of Articles with Other Dictionaries” part of this section, comparisons were made with Abuşķa and Senglaĥ were written by Mírzā Mehdí Ĥan Esterābādí, which are the most important dictionaries in the field. The study is based on the Tehran University-Central Library nr. 4354/3 (T), Tehran-Parliament Library nr. 9176 (Sebt nr. 85417) (M) and Kum-Gülpaygani Library nr. 20/148-4028/1 (G) manuscript copies. This work was published by TDK in 2022 under the name of Nezrali’nin Çağatay Türkçesi Sözlüğü.


Iran, Nezr-‘Alí, Chagatai Turkish, Chagatai Turkish Dictionary, Nevayí, Safavids, 17th century


Rahimi, F. (2023). Nezrali’nin Çağatay Türkçesi sözlüğü üzerine. BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 1-37.

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