This study aims to analyze the children's book “Cumhuriyetin İlk Sabahı”, written by Şermin Yaşar and İlber Ortaylı and illustrated by Gökçe Akgül, in terms of root values. Within the scope of the research, the book titled “Cumhuriyetin İlk Sabahı” written by Şermin Yaşar and İlber Ortaylı as a children's literature product in the 100th anniversary of our republic was examined in the context of ten root values, which are justice, friendship, honesty, self-control, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism, and benevolence, which are mentioned as “our root values” in the 2019 Turkish Lesson Teaching Program. Document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The data obtained were presented with direct quotations from the book under the relevant value heading and interpreted by the researcher. As a result of the research, it was seen that the book included the values of friendship, honesty, self-control, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism, and helpfulness - nine of the core values - while the value of justice was not included. It was found that the book contains the values of patriotism the most, followed by love and benevolence, and honesty and responsibility the least. The analyzed book contains a total of 76 value-containing expressions. In the study, it was concluded that the book can be used for the transfer of root values within the scope of values education, especially in cases where it is aimed to gain the value of patriotism, it will be a very effective reference work.
Values education, root value, Cumhuriyet’in İlk Sabahı, Şermin Yaşar, İlber Ortaylı