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The Yenisei Inscriptions, which are numerous and widely geographically distributed, are inscriptions found within the borders of the Khakass Republic, Republic of Tuva, Krasnoyarsk Krai, and Irkutsk Oblast. Although most of these inscriptions are said to be in museums, the number of inscriptions on the rocks is not small. Today, they are mostly divided into numbered and unnumbered inscriptions and are subjected to various classifications. Since the number of unnumbered inscriptions has not been clarified, the existing ones are analyzed. The numbered Yenisei Inscriptions are known as the most researched inscriptions. It is known that the latest numbering given to these inscriptions is E 212. However, there is no information on how and to which inscriptions the numbering from E 155 to E 212 was given. Among the 154 known numbered inscriptions, there are inscriptions for which no information, text, or visuals are available. For example, there is no information about the inscription E 146 for now. The texts of the inscriptions E 121, E 132, and E 151 are not available in almost all sources. In this article, new information about inscription E 121, whose image, detailed information, and text are not seen in important sources, will be presented, information about the discovery of inscription E 121, its current status, its nomenclature, and its connection with inscription E 120 will be re-evaluated by comparing it with primary sources, and the existence of new inscriptions identified from some sources will be mentioned.


Yenisei Inscriptions, Inscription E 121, Inscription E 120, old Turkic inscriptions


Shabdanov, A. (2024). E 121 numaralı Yenisey yazıtı. BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 5(2), 127-147.

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