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Hızlı Erişim

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“Kurt” / “böri” / “kaçkır” is considered sacred by Turkish tribes and communities; believed to have extraordinary power; it is one of the totemic animals that is sometimes considered "mother", sometimes "ancestor" and sometimes "guide".

The wolf has been accepted as a symbol of cleanliness, loneliness, nobility, power, courage, leadership, warriors, and freedom among Turkish tribes and communities. Turkish kagans, commanders, and nobles identified themselves with the wolf due to their mentioned characteristics and included sentences about them in the texts of the inscriptions; They included wolf depictions in the objects they made (obelisks, rocks, ornaments and utensils). 

Old Turkish inscriptions are source works that carry important information about the Turkish language, history, culture, life, and beliefs from the past to the present. Some of the Old Turkish inscriptions contain wolf-related depictions or meaningful language elements (words, word groups, or sentences) on them or in their content. The issues related to the wolf mentioned in the inscriptions in question are examined in the article under the following headings: “Böri (Wolf) in the Bugut Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Köl Tigin Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Bilge Kağan Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Kara Balgasun Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Yemiş Tutuk Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Talas VI Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Çaçıkey / Kara Böri Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Temir Bört Inscription, “Böri (Wolf) in the A 42 Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the Begre Inscription”,” Böri (Wolf) in the E / 12 Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the E / 28 Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the E / 98 Inscription”, “Böri (Wolf) in the I. Del Uul Inscription.


Old Turkish inscriptions, böri, wolf, kaçkır, old Turkish life and belief


Alyılmaz, C. (2024). Eski Türk yazıtlarında böri (kurt). BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 5(2), 93-126.

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