Transhumanism is one of the concepts that have emerged recently and is based on the combination of humans and machines. The predictions made about human existence and the future have been adopted by many researchers and are fiercely defended. Even though most of the predictions are future-oriented, it is expected that these will come true shortly, as can be understood from the speed of technological developments. The concept of tragedy, shaped by man's unchangeable destiny, conflicts, and especially his desire for immortality, can be traced back to ancient times. Although the concept of tragedy has existed in literary works for a long time, the concept of transhumanism is still new in this respect. This study focuses on the object poems of Sedat Umran. Especially his object poems have characteristics that can be read according to both concepts. What also directs us to read his texts according to these concepts are the explanations he made about his poems. In the study, first the conceptual framework will be presented, and then text readings will be carried out. In the readings, it was seen that the poet's insistent passion for immortality found a response in the immortality of objects. Expressing his own desire to be an object due to their immortality in an attitude in line with the concept of transhumanism, the poet thus showed that such a response could be given to human tragedy.
Transhumanism, tragic, poetry, immortality, object