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The process that started with industrialization caused human beings to increase their sovereignty over other beings on earth and to perceive nature as an element that only benefits them. Urbanization, which develops in parallel with industrialization and technology, increases the quality of life of human beings on the one hand and alienates them from nature on the other. The structure of the natural chain is disrupted as people act for purposes such as increasing their comfort and earning more in the capitalist system. This prepares the irreversible destruction of nature, which is not allowed to renew itself and is considered the owner of unlimited resources. However, it is human beings who are negatively affected the most as they turn into beings that prioritize only themselves without giving importance to the rights to life of other living beings in nature. Because the elements of the earth are interconnected through symbiotic relationships, damage to one of them negatively affects the others.

Earth/Soil Ethics is a view pioneered by Aldo Leopold in the twentieth century and encompasses the obligation and ethics of respect for all living organisms. Earth Ethics is an approach that aims to make the concept of ethics applicable to animals, plants, and all members of the organic or inorganic earth community. It reminds human beings that they are not conquerors of nature, but simple members of it. It draws attention to the balance of the symbiotic relationship that exists between nature and humans.

Regulating relations with nature by adhering to earth ethics should become a way of life. For this, children should be made aware of nature and the idea that all earth members have the right to sustain their lives at an early age. This study, it was aimed to examine the reflections in the narrative of the possible consequences that human beings will encounter when they behave not as just one of the organisms in the world they live in, but as the master of it, in Dilara Akıncı's children's book Betonlar Çiçek Açsa. (If the Concrete Blossom). In the study, which will be analyzed in the context of the effects of urbanization and approaches to animals on the axis of the concept of Earth Ethics, it was concluded that the necessity of living in harmony with the earth was emphasized.


Earth Ethics, concreting, urbanization, animals


Öksüz Güneş, E. & Tepeli, Y. (2024). Tüketilen yeryüzünde / toprakta kenti ve hayvanları görmek: Betonlar çiçek açsa. BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 5(3), 269-281.

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