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Founded in Erzurum in 1957, Atatürk University has made many scientific contributions to Turcology and many other fields since the day it was established. Academic practice and scientific-academic research have been successfully conducted and scholars have been trained in various departments (the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, the Department of Turkish Language and Literature Education, and the Department of Turkish Education) at both the Faculty of Literature and Kâzım Karabekir Faculty of Education.

Osman GÜNDÜZ is one of the scholars from Erzurum, who received his undergraduate, master's, and doctorate degrees at Atatürk University.

GÜNDÜZ, born in Erzurum on April 10, 1951, went to primary school in Erzurum; middle school and high school in Erzurum and Muğla.

GÜNDÜZ graduated from Atatürk University Faculty of Literature with a degree in Turkish Language and Literature in 1977 and after teaching at schools for a while, he started his practice as a "Research Assistant" in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature at Atatürk University Kâzım Karabekir Faculty of Education in 1984.

GÜNDÜZ received his master's degree in 1987 and doctorate in 1993 in Modern Turkish Language, and he got his associate degree in 2004 and Ph.D. in 2009.

GÜNDÜZ is the writer and co-writer of over 20 books as textbooks and research-review work on Modern Turkish Literature and Turkish Education.

Retiring from his long service as a faculty member and administrator at Atatürk University on age grounds on April 10, 2018, into Bayburt University, GÜNDÜZ died from Covid-19 on May 13, 2021.


Professor Doctor Osman GÜNDÜZ, Modern Turkish Literature, Turkish Education, Atatürk University, Bayburt University, death.


Alyılmaz, C. (2021). Prof. Dr. Osman Gündüz’ün ardından. BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 2(2), 237-249.

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