Sadık Yalsızuçanlar is one of the writers who has a respectable place in Turkish literature with his texts that he fictionalized with his unique style in different fields of prose genre. The writer, who does not break his ties with the past, historical elements and religious values, mostly kneads the story of the individual in "becoming" and "rebirth" with the life of mystics in his fictional texts.
Yalsızuçanlar fictionalizes his novel “Gezgin” by making use of the life story of Ibn Arabi, Written with a divine/dominant point of view, the work tells the spiritual journeys of the protagonist whose name is unknown and who is introduced as the "Gezgin", accompanying his physical journeys. The loneliness of the Gezgin, who manages to communicate with himself in the novel, discovers his self and is aware of his identity, alienates him from worldly objects and brings him closer to the Creator. However, his loneliness ends with his tasting eternal love, and he communicates not only with people but also with objects.
In this study, the integration of the Gezgin, who summarizes the meaning of life with “yes/existence” and “no/ non-existence” after many journeys he has lived, and his becoming the symbol of the “travelers” will be examined by using the themes of alienation and communication/non-communication.
Novel, İbn-i Arabi, alienation, non-communication, Gezgin